Kensington & Chelsea College wins Award
Despite fierce competition the college was judged as being “the employer that has shown the most innovative and inclusive approach to recruit and retain a balanced workforce, reflective of the local community.”
The college won the award for ‘Diversity in Action’ as part of a series of high profile awards ceremonies held across England, Scotland and Wales by Jobcentre Plus.
Judges also noted the college’s involvement in a number of projects and partnerships to maximise work opportunities for unemployed young people, people with disabilities and those from
disadvantaged backgrounds.
The award was presented by Elizabeth Eddy from the NHS Confederation to Philip Shortt, the college’s Employment & Skills Manager.
Philip Shortt said: “The college’s student body is incredibly diverse in age, background and culture and it’s something we’re really proud of. Our workforce is the same. It feels great to be given an award that reflects our commitment to making Kensington and Chelsea College a college that is fully inclusive and for everyone!”