Local charity shops in Kensington & Chelsea

 There are 12 permanent charity shops in the borough.

  Zoom in, click on the red markers to find a local charity shop.

Volunteer for half a day or more.

All local charity shops appreciate any time you can give.

Volunteers can usually choose between a range of roles or tasks available.

Visit or call a charity shop & speak to the manager to see what positions they have available.

If you are considering volunteering for any Oxfam charity shop download the form below and take it to your nearest one.

Oxfam charity shop - Volunteer Form
Download the volunteer form,
print it out,
fill it in and take it to your nearest Oxfam Shop
Adobe Acrobat document [37.6 KB]

432 King's Road, Oxfam


Find those rare items or pick up a bargain in one of the most fashionable parts of Chelsea.
